It comes with a stamp, first class, high priority.


Postcards, from the edge of Preble County, Ohio.

I just wanted to let you know that things here are mostly okay during all of this. The normal feelings arise from time to time, like anxiety about the unknown, anger at the callousness of others, and intermittent fears. But I would say that every day of this I’ve been high to moderately productive. On some level.

I’ve started cutting my own hair. It has become a bit of an adventure, and I like it. Normally, I visit my dear friend Lisa every three weeks, come rain or shine, to get my bob. I like it short. For — when my hair blows in the wind — I’ve been known to lift off. So keeping it tight to the head helps. Anyway, I bring out the clippers, the dogs run, and away I go. The dogs haven’t discerned the difference between my clippers and their clippers yet.

Not that either one of them has ever been clipped here. We go to the groomers for that, another thing on hold. Yesterday, for the first time, Lou got a bit of a lockdown trim. I think I am going to open a hair salon / dog grooming business when this is done. Run two-for-ones on you and your dog.

Outdoors, things are warming up. I usually open our pool on tax day, April 15. It is how I keep it consistent from year to year, with a date I will remember. However, this year, we decided to have our pool redone. It has been almost 15 years since this one was put in. Our gunite and tiles were showing their age. Unfortunately, the day after work started, the state was shut down, the stay at home order in place. The workers have been here a couple of times, but we seem to be in a little bit of limbo. We will see the water when the time comes.

Beyond the pool is the barnyard. The geese are a mean as ever, the goats as sweet. And the chickens just appear to be confused. Some are giving good eggs, but others seem to be failing in epic proportions. I go out and cheer them on daily. “Give me an E. Eeeeeee. Give me a G. Geeeeeee. Give me another G.” And on. The pompoms enhance the effect.

We’ve been walking our daily walks too. Along the road. The signs of recent flooding are still everywhere. It looks like a wasteland along the way, although small signs of Spring are peaking through, here and there.

I love to read at bedtime. However, I’ve started three different books over the past month or so, and I’ve had to put all three down. This is an absolute rarity. Normally, I start books and I finish them. That’s just how it goes. I am not sure if this recent book burping is due to the current “times” we are in, or if I’ve just had an unlucky run of three goopy books. However, I started a novel by Haruki Murakami last night. The first 30 pages were great. So.

So. So. So. So. As you can see, life here in little Camden, Ohio is filled with more excitement than my graying temples can handle. A yawn a minute. But it is the way I like it right now. It is settled here. And good.

Every day there are a million things to be thankful for. And I give thanks.

I remind my self that the energy in our world is all connected, and it is a powerful thing. There have been numerous studies on the “power of positive thinking.” I wish they would call it something else. Like affirmative energy. The Faerie Dust Effect. Or something. Regardless, I know that people get bristled when politicians use the phrase, “our thoughts and prayers are with them,” offering these words as their only course of action.

But we are not politicians. We are people with hearts and souls. And sometimes, thoughts and prayers are a good place to start. Even if you don’t believe in a god or a higher power, the act of offering good energy, affirmative life, a well-spring of light in the direction of others can have an immense impact on them. So each day, I try in some way, to send others that light. I believe the more of us who join in that giving, the bigger our impact will be. No matter what you call it.

So today, I wish light and peace for you. For all of you. In where ever your postcards are taking you.


“I had forgotten how much light there is in the world, till you gave it back to me.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea


“Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us.”
― Walt Whitman


“The world is quiet here.”
― Lemony Snicket


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