The Quarks. We are the same. We’re charged.

I just learned that the “general relativity theory” (Einstein) and “quantum mechanics” (modern scientists) can NOT both be right.

That’s right.  One of them, Relativity, studies the largeness of the Universe, the properties of the planets and how they behave, the speed of light, and gravity and such.  And the other, Quantum Physics, studies the very smallness of our existence, right down to the tiniest Quark.  And those two sets of laws conflict with one another.

I’m reading a book about physics. 
I chose it because I want to learn more, especially about quantum mechanics.   I want to understand the up quarks and down quarks that I’m inhaling or the ones in my cheese pizza. 

All of this is connected.
I say it often.  But it can’t be said enough.

Scientifically, it has been proven.
Spiritually, we all know it to be true.

We are all in this together.
From the smallest little fruit fly badgering your apple to the skyscraper made of steel in the Big Apple to the way that the planet Kepler 22-b kind of looks like an apple.   We are all in this together.

You see.

We’re made up of the same things.
Science says so. You are nothing but a bundle of protons, neutrons, and electrons, all spinning about and bumping into one another.  Heck, we are losing electrons off into space as we speak.  Who knows where they will end up, really? 

There is so much I do not understand.
But I do know this.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed.
That’s right.
The law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics, states that energy can’t be created or destroyed.  And yet?  It can change forms. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system, like the Universe, remains constant, even though the forms of energy it takes are always changing.

That — is freaking amazing.

And there you have it.
We go.  And yet we don’t.


“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” — Aristotle


“Everything in the universe is energy, and that includes us.” — Albert Einstein


“The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.” — J.B.S. Haldane


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