Yeah, relax, they say. Just relax.

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” — Mark Black

To relax.   By definition, it goes like this.

make or become less tense or anxious: [no object]
[with object] make (a rule or restriction) less strict while not abolishing it

A lot of people go on vacation to relax.  But for me, going on vacation is often more stressful than staying at home. Way more.  First, you have to get there.  That either means flying or driving, and either one of those things can be extremely stressful.  If someone doesn’t get stressed while traveling to and fro, they must be on some serious muscle relaxers.

Once you are there, you still have to get there.   You have to get settled into your hotel, or your ship, or your tent.  There’s work involved there.

And then, there is the agenda.  You either have one if you don’t.  If you have one, you are busy and moving and doing. If you don’t, you have to come up with things to do.  Or.  Conversely, just keep taking those muscle relaxers and sleep the whole time.

The truth for me is this: Home is the most relaxing place for me to be.

But I know I am the exception, not the norm.

As they say, “To each their own.”
And, “To thine own self be true.”

No matter how you do it, take some time to relax.

And I shall, too.

And then there is this, no matter where we are.
Do something good today.  Even if it is small.  It makes a difference.




“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” — Mark Black


“Rest and be thankful.” — William Wordsworth


“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” — Sir Edmund Hillary


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