Now you are stepping on my toes, or worse.

It is their right to protest, those people up in Michigan. This is America, after all. This place, where most people take our freedom for granted. So they march because they don’t want to stay at home. Nobody can tell them what to do, especially some woman who thinks she’s governor. Up there in Michigan. They chant, “Lock her up. Lock her up.” If they are going to protest, I sure wish they would come up with a fresh phrase to howl.

Yet, even when I despise the thing that people protest, I have to agree it is their right.

Do I think they are numb skulls? Of course.

But here is where their protesting is different. Even by doing so, even by gathering in that place, they are exposing themselves and others to the COVID-19 virus. And in doing this, they threaten to tax the health care resources in Michigan, by adding further stress to the hospitals with more patients.

So then, with this additional burden, Ohio has to send them masks, and gowns, and gloves, like good neighbors. Or maybe it is Indiana who bales them out. It could be any state. But then. A wave of the pandemic moves our way, because of their carelessness. Or it moves, just because it is a deadly, unpredictable virus. Either way, now we’ve spent our resources. Now we suffer.

And the worst part? Because those protesting people got sick and went into the hospital, two nurses caring for them were exposed, (lack of equipment). And one of those women died. She has a husband and three children. They are seven, five, and two. And, they want their Mom to come back home. But she is dead.

Yet, they hold up their signs, many of them holstering guns, semi-automatic weapons in their arms. This is America. They shout. Land of the Free. Open up America, or…..what….. I’ll shoot you? I mean. What are the guns for Clyde, Dwayne? Yes. Of course, I think they are numb skulls.

I can not understand the insanity of the people who are fighting the safety measures we have in place. Our economy is screwed. It will be for a long, long time. In fact, we may never know the same financial “life” we used to know. But. Until there is a vaccine or a treatment, we will be at the hands of this virus. And then, of course, the next one.

The virus isn’t gone. Some Americans want to open things back up because the influx has diminished. It has only done so because we are social distancing at great measures. When the people come back out, so does the virus, and away we go. Literally.

Those protesters? Their “Land of the Free” does not reflect my “Land of the Free.” And therein, lies the problem.


We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
— Thomas Jefferson


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it.
— Abraham Lincoln


It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.
— Voltaire


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