The United States appears to be divided down the middle. It hinges at the core as a Republican-Democratic split. At least by my estimation.
First, I must say, I wish it were not this way. I wish we could meet in the middle.
But here is what I’ve observed.
The bulk of the Republicans have taken it upon themselves to give names to anyone who does not agree with them. The name-calling has included terms like “woke, snowflake, and elite.” It seems they like to “label” others. And. It appears, in general, that they persecute anyone with cerebral pursuits, such as learning, reading, and evolving.
Why do they use name calling for people who like to educate themselves? Could it be that they think it is better to act dumb and be unaware? Do they believe it behooves people to butcher the English language? Are they suggesting that we just sit on our duffs and twirl our thumbs?
I should not generalize. And, in all fairness, I said the “bulk” of the GOP acts this way. But at least they are united.
The Democrats don’t name-call, as far as I can tell. They don’t place name tags on the Republican Party members. I guess that is being united, too. Please correct me if there are blanket names that have been given. Although, I must concede. I’ve heard them call Trump “The Orange One.”
Regardless, and more importantly, I wish it would stop. I wish people would start thinking on their own and not succumb to mimicking the sound bites they hear on talk radio. I wish people would use compassionate thinking when it comes to addressing anyone. Anywhere. And I mean this for every single person in this country.
But I suppose it is easier to parrot something than to form an original thought.
And so it goes.
≈ A Goggle from Wordle Words ≈
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” — Buddha
“You don’t have to be a genius to think. You just need to be brave enough to do it.” — Lawrence Parks
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.” — Henry Ford