The Poker Face.

I don’t play them much anymore, but my Grandpa Wehrman taught me how to play cards when I was very young. Mostly Poker and Blackjack.

He had fancy decks of cards and one of those round things with the chips in stacks all along the circumference. At that age, I had scant exposure to such things. Needless to say, I was impressed.  I looked forward to those times when he pulled all those things out and placed them on the dining room table.

I could sit and play for hours with him. He’d let me chew on one of his cigars and wear one of his badass hats as we sat at that table, tossing our chips into the pot.

But even though I was young, I think he played me straight. I know he did not cheat. Sometimes I won, and sometimes I lost. It was a good lesson in teaching me how to react under pressure. Sometimes, we would bet actual pennies. That’s when the game would really get tense.  I mean, pennies were on the line.

I love my Grandpa Wehrman for all of this. He was a good grandpa to me.

≈ Wordle Words ≈


“Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.” — Joyce Allston


“Grandparents make the world … a little softer, a little kinder, [and] a little warmer.” — Michael Hans


“The true test of a person’s character is what they do when no one is watching.” — John Wooden


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