The biggest job of all. Thankfully.

I don’t remember celebrating Mother’s Day when I was a kid. I am the youngest of seven children, and I am most certain that we did. I’ve seen the photos. My dad was the kindest, most caring sort of man. I’m sure he got mom presents, and flowers, and always a nice card. And I’m certain he orchestrated the cards and gifts from all the children. Maybe we all went out to dinner, or maybe just Mom and Dad. But, I can’t remember a single one.

I do, however, remember my Mom. She was a loving person too. A kind person. She welcomed people into her home, and would always ask if they were hungry. Without fail. She could cook, and that was one way she’d show people her love and thoughtfulness.

I could go on about her here, on this Mother’s Day, as I’m sure we all could go on about our mothers. One way or another.

Being a Mom is a tall order. A lifelong sentence. Some people are profoundly good at being mothers, and others fail horribly. The title stops at the title. The qualities of motherhood come from the heart.

I am grateful to my Mom, for all she did, in raising us seven children. Each one of us decisively unique. Each one, a handful at times. She tried her best to show us the loving way of things, always. Albeit, when her patience left the room, it really left the room. On those days, we would have to “wait until our father got home.”

The meaning of being a mother is boundless, really. There are so many hats that mothers wear. They are comforters, leaders, teachers, friends, cooks, nurses, disciplinarians, and protectors. They are innovators and inventors. They are artists and performers. Most of all — they love unconditionally.

Mothers are a gift.
A gift to the child. A gift to the world.

Through their actions and insights, they shape the world, with every guiding hand they lend, with every loving hug they give. One child at a time.

Every day is a good day to give thanks to our mothers.
For giving so much of their lives, to each one of us.

Happy Mother’s Day.

All you Moms out there.


“My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.”
― George Washington


“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life”
― Abraham Lincoln


“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?”
— Milton Berle


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