Good morning, starshine.

We would all like to open our eyes in the morning, lift our heads from the pillow, and start belting out those precious words: Good mornin’, starshineThe Earth says, “Hello”You twinkle above usWe twinkle below Good mornin’, starshineYou lead us alongMy love and me as we singingOur early mornin’ singin’ song Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby

Good morning, starshine. Read More »

Honestly? Honesty.

honest | ˈänəst |adjectivefree of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere true | tro͞o | adjective (truer | tro͞oər |, truest | tro͞oəst |) in accordance with fact or reality Most of us know and understand these words.They are not merely words but a standard in our moral fiber.They are in our hearts and minds. Then, why,

Honestly? Honesty. Read More »

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